
Monday, October 7, 2013

World Communion - "Good Grief: A Way of Peace" - The Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture: Lamentations 1:1-6; The Gospel of Luke 17:1-6
To Listen: Good Grief: A Way of Peace

9/29/2013 - "To See or Not to See" - The Rev. Marc Oehler

Scripture: Amos 6:1a, 4-7; The Gospel of Luke 16:19-31
To Listen: To See or Not to See

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

9/15/2013 - "Join Heaven's Party!" - The Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture: I Timothy 1:12-17; The Gospel of Luke 15:1-10
To Listen: Join Heaven's Party!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/8/2013 - "Home Field Advantage" - The Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture: The Gospel of Luke 14:25-33; Philemon (excerpts)
To Listen: Home Field Advantage

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

8/11/2013 - "Alert, but Unanxious" - The Rev. Marc Oehler

Scripture: Isaiah 1:1, 10-20; The Gospel of Luke 12:32-40\
To Listen: Alert, but Unanxious

Monday, August 5, 2013

8/4/2013 - "Rich Toward God" - The Rev. Penny Hogan

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23; The Gospel of Luke 12:13-21
To Listen: Rich Towards God

Saturday, August 3, 2013

7/28/2013 - "In Him" - The Rev. Penny Hogan

Scripture: The Gospel of Luke 11:1-13; Colossians 2:6-19
To Listen: In Him

7/21/2013 - "An Attitude of Gratitude" - The Rev. Marianne Rhebergen

Scripture: Psalm 100; Philippians 4:4-20
To Listen: An Attitude of Gratitude

We welcome Rev. Dr. Marianne Rhebergen today. Rev. Dr. Marianne Rhebergen is a graduate
of Union and Princeton Theological Seminaries. She has served pastorates in New York, New
Jersey, and Pennsylvania, as well as the Presbyteries of Chicago, Lehigh, Cayuga-Syracuse, and
now Palisades as executive staff. Marianne's passion is for the transformation and renewal of
the church in North America. She brings to all her work a pastor's heart, a deep-seated faith,
and a willingness to engage creatively the challenges God puts before us in our !me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

7/14/2013 - "Dangerous Love" - The Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture: Amos 7:10-17; The Gospel of Luke 10:25-37
To Listen: Dangerous Love

Thursday, July 11, 2013

7/7/2013 - "Jesus' Mission of Healing and Peace" - Rev. Dr. Icenogle & Eleanor Hahn

Scripture: II Kings 5:1-14; Luke 10:1-11

In this sermon West Side member Eleanor Hahn shares her faith journey as she struggled with her healing from cancer.
         To Listen: Jesus' Mission of Healing and Peace

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Maunday Thursday - "Food of Forgiveness" - The Rev. Penny Hogan

Scripture:  Exodus: 12:1-4, 11-14; John 13:31-35; Psalm 116:1-2,12-19; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
To Listen: Food of Forgiveness

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Palm/Passion Sunday - "Letting Go and Growing Up" - The Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture: Luke 19:28-44; Philippians 3:7-15
To Listen: Letting Go and Growing Up

3/17/2013 - "Beyond Forgiveness" - The Rev Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture: Isaiah 43:16-21; John 8:2-11; II Corinthians 5:16-21
To Listen: Beyond Forgiveness

3/10/2013 - "Whom Can We Not Forgive?" - The Confirmation Class

Scripture: Psalm 51; Matthew 18:21-35
To Listen: Whom Can We Not Forgive?
Speaking - Elizabeth Smith, Liam Blanchard, & Kalie Ganem

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Epiphany - "Who Sees the Light?" - The Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture: Genesis 41:15-16,28-32; Matthew 2:1-12
Listen to Sermon:Who Sees the Light?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

12/31/2012 - "Remember, Anticipate, Live" - The Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture: Psalm 148 (Responsively); Ephesians 5: 8-20
Listen to Sermon: Remember, Anticipate, Live

12/30/2012 - "Raising Our Children in the Faith" - The Rev. Dr. Gareth Icenogle

Scripture in Hymns (From the Presbyterian Church (USA) hymnal:
       Prepare the Way - BEREDEN VÄG FÖR HERRAN
       See Amid the Winter's Snow - HUMILITY

Listen to Sermon: Raising Our Children in the Faith